Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula)

Haritaki, mirobalan chebula, terminalia chebula (Latin), chebulic myrobalan, black myrobalan, myrobalan chebula (English), haritaki, Hara, harad, hirad, halle, kayastha, jivapriya, harida, abhaya, harde, Hara (Indus)

Haritaki literally means “a plant that steals diseases”. The Ayurvedic canons say that Haritaki can get rid of a hundred ailments. In the treatise “Madana-Pala-Nighantu” Haritaki is compared to a mother: “As a mother takes care of a child, so Haritaki takes care of a person. But the mother sometimes gets angry, Haritaki will never harm the one who takes it …” In Ayurvedic and Tibetan medical treatises, you can find many legends about the origin of Haritaki. It is believed that the seven types of Haritaki are seven drops of nectar that fell to the Ground from the mouth of Vishnu (the Supreme). Another text says that the Haritaki forest grew up on the site of the love games of Varuna (the god of water) and Bhumi (the goddess of the Earth).

Effect on the body

Although all parts of the plant have a therapeutic effect (roots eliminate diseases of bones, trunk – muscles, bark – skin, branches – vessels, leaves – hollow organs), Ayurvedic doctors use mainly the fruits of the plant, because they normalize the function of the neuroendocrine system and all vital organs.

The energy-informational matrix of plant fruits is similar to the human etheric body and the energy-informational field of the Earth. This means that Haritaki has a tuning fork effect on the Sthula and Sukshma channels of a person responsible for the state of homeostasis (constancy of the internal environment of the body). Each of these channels contains encoded information about how certain tissues, hormones, enzymes, and other biologically active substances should function. These subtle channels of a person are connected to each other by special centers of the etheric body, called Marmas. Marmas regulate the functions of all vital organs through the neuroendocrine system.

Since we are currently under the constant influence of lepton radiation, the sources of which are high-voltage transmission lines, mobile phones, computers, televisions, microwave ovens and other industrial and household electronic equipment, the human etheric matrix with all its centers and channels is greatly changing, which leads to a violation of homeostasis. Such deviations are dangerous for the development of serious chronic diseases. It should be added that the distortion of the work of our tuning fork system also occurs if a person’s consciousness is overflowing with various negative stereotypes, such as greed, hatred, envy, condemnation, fear, pride, and the like. The fruits of Haritaki are able to read the missing information from the matrix of the Earth and transfer it to the human field structure, restoring the function of all Marma centers.

The most powerful antioxidants belonging to the anthocyanidin group have been found in the fruits of Haritaki, which, due to the neutralization of free radicals, suspend damage to the endothelium of the arteries, the occurrence of cross-linking of collagen protein, inhibition of cellular immunity, including antitumor, violations of the colloidal balance of bile and urine. Thus, Haritaki is a wonderful preventive agent that prevents the development of atherosclerosis, cancer, autoimmune diseases, degenerative-dystrophic disorders of the spine and joints, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis.

Due to the high content of hebulic acid, the fruits of Haritaki stimulate the activity of cytochrome 450 enzymes responsible for the antitoxic function of the liver. It is also believed that the plant is able to activate the antitoxic function of all cells. In addition, hebulic acid, penetrating through the blood-brain barrier, normalizes the condition of brain and spinal cord cells. A person who regularly takes the fruits of the plant increases the threshold of adaptation to external damaging influences, strengthens memory and improves learning abilities. In case of destruction of myelin fibers (multiple and amyotrophic sclerosis), Haritaki stimulates their regeneration.

In addition, due to the pronounced astringent effect, Haritaki is also used as a hemostatic agent, especially for the prevention of uterine bleeding in fibromyomas.

The fruits of Haritaki directly activate the apud cells of the small intestine, thus influencing hormonal metabolism.


Indications for use



Hoarseness of voice





Poor digestion of food


Parasitic infections



Diseases of the spleen and heart

Skin diseases



Nervous disorders


Pregnancy, dehydration, severe exhaustion or fatigue, very high Pitta.


1 capsule twice a day 1 hour after meals.

Additional information

Haritaki is a powerful antioxidant, Rasayana, rejuvenates and cleanses the body of wastes and toxins. Haritaki restores the energy field and treats diseases of the lungs and digestive system. Haritaki is a mild laxative. Haritaki improves vision, memory, blood circulation, immunity, stops bleeding, and lowers cholesterol. Haritaki has carminative, anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antifungal, and astringent properties. Haritaki is an effective remedy for premature graying of hair and their loss, stimulating their growth.

Methods of application

Haritaki is taken 1-2 capsules twice a day: in the morning an hour before breakfast and in the evening two hours after dinner.  The minimum duration of the therapeutic course is 2 months.

“Haritaki” literally translates as “eliminating diseases”. “Hara” is another name of Shiva, which testifies to the sacred nature and outstanding position of Haritaki among other plants since it carries the energy of Shiva himself. In addition, “hara” also literally means “green”, i.e., green like a fruit. “Abhaya” means “fearless”, i.e., not afraid of any diseases. Hippocrates claimed that regular consumption of Haritaki and its juice after meals prevents any diseases.

The medicinal properties of Haritaki are used in the following cases:

— as a general tonic, antioxidant and anti-aging agent for the whole body, strengthens the immune system, normalizes the activity of the whole body, eliminates disturbances in its work, improves the perception of all five senses

— to improve brain function, strengthen memory, increases learning ability, intelligence

— for toning the nervous system, for nervous disorders, relieves fatigue, stress, depression

— to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins

— with fever, fever, asthma, tuberculosis, cough, hoarseness of the voice, as an expectorant, improves the voice (often taken with pippali)

Removes accumulated mucus, and the accumulated and activated Vata rushes through the channels and treats asthma and other diseases, has a beneficial effect on the vocal cords.

— for digestive disorders, to improve digestion and assimilation of food, stimulates appetite (often taken together with cardamom and dill)

— as a mild laxative, regulates intestinal functions, helps maintain regular stools, and guarantees smooth cleansing, depending on the dosage help with both constipation and diarrhea (often taken with Ppippali, Amla, and Bibhitaki)

The sinusoids contained in Haritaki treat constipation, and tannins treat diarrhea. In the first case, a large dose of the plant is taken, in the second – a small one.

This dual effect of Haritaki – laxative and astringent, illustrates the versatile nature of this amazing fruit. Haritaki decoction has a more astringent effect, since tannins dissolve in water, while Haritaki powder gives a greater laxative effect.

— for intestinal infections, such as anthelmintic

— with stomach diseases, bloating, as a carminative, hemorrhoids

— to improve blood circulation and strengthen blood vessels

— as an antitumor agent and as a cancer prevention

— with hepatitis, normalizes liver function, due to the high content of hebulic acid, which removes toxins from the liver

— with cholelithiasis

— Haritaki and amla juice, taken regularly after meals, are able to completely dissolve gallstones.

— with fibromyomas and uterine bleeding

— to improve vision, gives visual acuity, conjunctivitis, inflammation, helps with blindness (often taken together with amla)

— as a remedy that heals and tightens ulcers of the mucous membranes, due to its strong astringent properties

— as a means to maintain optimal weight (often taken together with ashwagandha)

Helps to neutralize heavy and fatty foods, and it is recommended to take for people who tend to overeat.

— to lower cholesterol in the blood (often taken with honey)

— for gargling throat (usually with cold water to strengthen the astringent properties), eliminates bacteria, germs, heals wounds and ulcers

— for the treatment of skin diseases, fungal infections

— as an excellent preventive tool that prevents many diseases

— as an aphrodisiac, tones the uterus, eliminates many sexual infections

— as a hemostatic agent

— for diseases of the heart and spleen

— with increased acidity

— to reduce high blood pressure

— to strengthen the gums, stops bleeding

— vomiting, nausea, hiccups

— for hemorrhoids               

It is not recommended to take Haritaki during pregnancy, since laxative properties and downward-pointing Vata can provoke an abortion, with exacerbations of Pitta, acute diarrhea, and severe cough.

As a Rasayana, Haritaki is used independently, and is also included in many Ayurvedic tonics and mixed Rasayanas. Haritaki is one of the main components of the famous “Chavanprash” and the cleansing medication “Triphala” (a mixture of Amla, Haritaki, and Bibhitaki powders).

According to Ayurveda, Haritaki should be taken with mountain salt or ginger in the rainy season, with sugar in autumn, in spring with honey, in winter with pepper (black pepper or pippali). It should be taken with sugar to establish the work of Pitta dosha, with salt for Vata dosha, and with dry ginger for Kapha dosha.

 Haritaki is used internally in the form of powder, capsules, juice, decoction, jam, and externally – in the form of infusions and paste. It is a part of therapeutic lotions, creams, and ointments.

 Haritaki is widely used in cosmetology and is part of many cosmetic products – face and body creams, facial cleansers, masks, milk, gels, and anti-aging cosmetics complexes. However, Haritaki is primarily used in hair care and hair treatment products.

Home remedies using Haritaki
  • In diabetes mellitus: 10 grams of Haritaki powder are taken orally with water or honey. Daily use, helps to normalize blood sugar levels.
  • Nosebleeds: Haritaki fruits, ground and mixed with lemon juice to a paste. Strengthens the vascular wall, reducing its permeability. It is used in the complex treatment of recurrent nosebleeds.
  • For eye infections: Haritaki paste is applied topically to the affected area of the eye. This remedy is also useful in the treatment of insect bites.
  • For sore throat: fried Haritaki powder is mixed with ghee and consumed orally for sore throat.
  • To increase immunity: Haritaki fruits are cut and seeds are removed. The pulp is mixed with milk, in a ratio of 1:4. The mixture is cooled, and then melted butter and honey are added. It is believed that regular use of this mixture stimulates the immune system, increases the body’s resistance to infectious diseases.
  • With peptic ulcer disease, gastritis with increased acidity: 10 g per day of Haritaki powder with grapes.
  • For constipation: simply consuming 10-15 grams of Haritaki powder diluted with water will help normalize the stool.
  • For dysentery: half a teaspoon of Haritaki powder with warm water before bedtime in addition to the main treatment.

This plant is considered a miracle medicine because of its wide range of beneficial effects on human health, and its medicinal and therapeutic properties.

Haritaki is used in cosmetology due to:

— antioxidant and anti-aging properties

Removes toxins from cells neutralizes free radicals, and stops damage to collagen fibers. Improves blood circulation, and complexion, smoothes wrinkles, eliminates swelling, nourishes, tones, and rejuvenates the skin.

Suitable for all skin types, it is most recommended for the care of mature skin, as well as fading, tired, flabby, aging skin.

— antiseptic and antibacterial properties

Deeply cleanses the pores and removes impurities, giving antiseptic protection to the skin. Strong antifungal and antibacterial agent. Effectively helps with skin rashes.

— astringent, wound-healing properties

Promotes rapid tightening and healing of ulcers and wounds, and stops bleeding.

Haritaki is one of the main means in Ayurvedic cosmetology for hair treatment and hair care. It is a part of numerous hair products – shampoos, masks, conditioners, rinses, balms, oils, creams, and hair dyes. Extracts and Haritaki oil are used.

Haritaki oil is included in the composition of hair oil as one of the main ingredients and is also used in its pure form. It is the main component of the hair oil “Triphala”, or “Triphaladi”, which also includes amla and Bibhitaki.

Stimulates cell regeneration, improves blood circulation, provides blood flow and nutrients to the bulbs, and stimulates hair growth. Helps to reactivate inanimate hair, prevents premature gray hair, an effective remedy for hair loss. Eliminates dandruff. Gives radiance and shine, vitality, and strength.

It is part of the therapeutic agent against hair loss and dandruff.

Suitable for all hair types and for everyday hair care.

Restores lifeless, dry, brittle, thinned hair, hair that has been adversely affected by the environment, staining, after an illness.

Supports the health of normal hair, and gives them antiseptic protection.

Haritaki – Rasayana, the elixir of youth, the strongest antioxidant, has a rejuvenating effect, cleanses the body, and is part of many Ayurvedic Rasayanas. Activates the body’s defenses and promotes longevity. Haritaki is called the “elixir of longevity”.

In addition, Haritaki is one of the best remedies in Ayurveda for the treatment of problems related to the lungs and digestive system. It is widely used in Ayurvedic and Tibetan medicine, where it is called the “king of all medicines”.

Haritaki has the most powerful energy, destroys all negative programs that appear in the body, equalizes the distorted energy field, and neutralizes harmful effects. It gives the energy of pure knowledge. Haritaki increases the threshold of adaptation to external influences. Haritaki is one of the few plants that treat at a subtle level, correcting and restoring the human biofield.

According to Ayurveda, Haritaki has all tastes out of six possible, except salty: sour, astringent, sweet, bitter, and spicy. It has a very strong astringent taste but leaves a sweet aftertaste. It has a warming effect.

Haritaki normalizes the functioning of the whole body, acts on all tissues, regulates Kapha dosha, stimulates pitta dosha, but especially has a beneficial effect on Vata dosha (reduces the accumulation and stagnation of Vata).

Haritaki contains an antioxidant complex of tannins – garlic, hebulic and tannic acids, as well as catechins.

All parts of the tree (bark, leaves, flowers) have healing properties, but most of all Haritaki fruits are used.

There are 7 types of Haritaki – Vijaya, Rohini, Putana, Amrita, Abhaya, Jivanti, and Chetaki, growing in various regions of India. Vijaya grows in the Vindhaya Mountains, Rohini in Northern India, Putana in Southern Pakistan, Amrita and Abhaya in Eastern India, Jivanti in Gujarat, and Chetaki in the Himalayas.

Vijaya is considered the best in its properties, affecting all tissues of the body. It has the roundest shape. Rohini heals wounds. Putana is used for skin diseases in the form of paste. Amrita is a wonderful purifier. Abhaya is especially effective for eye diseases. Jivanti cures many diseases, Chiaki has a pronounced laxative effect.

Haritaki has antioxidant, rejuvenating, toning, carminative, antiseptic, antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, anthelmintic, astringent, and hemostatic properties.

Unripe fruits of Haritaki have a stronger laxative effect, but less rejuvenating properties.