Since ancient times, massage has been considered the most effective procedure that has a positive effect on the human body. Legends have been put together about the beneficial properties of massage, and in modern realities they make up a lot of scientific papers and conduct a lot of research. But how did the massage procedure come about and who became its discoverer?

We do not know who became the ancestor of massage – history is silent. Images of people massaging each other are found on rock paintings of the Paleolithic Era in all corners of the world. Kneading the sore spot with the use of warming oils and therapeutic ointments occurred on an instinctive level, and was recommended by healers and medicine man of all peoples and tribes. Later, individual techniques were systematized into a single art of healing with the help of mechanical action by hands on the surface of the body.

In different languages there are synonyms of the word ” massage”

  • in Arabic, “mass” – gently press, touch;
  • in Greece, “masso” press by hands;
  • Latin “mass” means – to stick to the hands;
  • in Hebrew, “mashen” is to palpate;
  • the French “masser” translates as “rub”.

Having fully realized the benefits that rubbing by a certain method brought to the body, people sought to expand and deepen the basic movements accumulated by the experience of their ancestors, partially adopted from other folks. Gradually, from the scattered grasps of individual herbalists and chiropractors, a genuine healing art was formed.



The first massage systems were described by ancient Chinese healers back in the III millennium BC. They were used for general restorative therapy and treatment of a number of injuries and diseases, such as rheumatism, dislocations, sprains, muscle spasms. It was the ancient Chinese who invented the technique of therapeutic massage “Amma” with pressing fingers on biologically active points of the human body.
Therapeutic massage was further developed in India. The ancient sacred books of “Ayurveda” (1800 BC) describe massage techniques that were used for certain diseases. The massage was done by rubbing and gentle kneading of the whole body, starting from the head and ending with the feet. Also, in order to maximize the effect, the Indians combined steam baths with massage. Thus, the ancient Hindus improved the general condition and reduced fatigue.
It is interesting to know: Massage in India and China could only be done by clergymen. It is important to note that in these countries there were even specialized schools that taught massage techniques.

The Egyptians and Persians actively oiled the skin with aromatic oil mixtures, simultaneously massaging and rubbing the body. Since 500 BC, massage traditions have come from the East to ancient Greece and Rome.

Ancient Russians actively practiced bath massage, with various brooms and rubbing medicinal decoctions and ointments based on herbs and roots. Tempering was also in use.

In addition to Ancient China and India, Ancient Russia, Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome also made a huge contribution to the development of massage. References to massage can be found in the poems of Homer, in the works of Hippocrates and Asclepiades.


During the Middle Ages, massage was not used for medicinal purposes. Interest in it began to subside rapidly, but with the advent of works on anatomy in the XIV–XV centuries, massage again began to gain popularity and be used for medicinal purposes.
During the rise of Christianity, massage was unjustly banished, as it was considered a remnant of paganism. The first person to seriously study massage and its effect on the body and body was the Swedish doctor Peter Heinrich Ling, who was born in 1776.

Thanks to his tedious work and dozens of scientific papers, Peter Heinrich opened the central Royal Institute of Gymnastics in Stockholm, which still exists today.


Centuries later, mankind has discovered many types of massage. Many scientists conduct research in the field of massage and study its effects on the human body. Now they are mainly divided into two categories: hand massage and machine. Each of them has its own subtype.

Such procedures are also grouped depending on the tasks performed:

  • Classic. Its main purpose is to increase the overall tone of muscle tissues.
  • Therapeutic. This type of massage is used to get rid of certain ailments, and also allows you to restore the body during the rehabilitation period after an illness.
  • Athletic. This massage allows you to restore muscles after overexertion and training. It is also used to prepare athletes for upcoming competitions.
  • Pediatric. With the help of such a massage, the tasks of eliminating various health problems of babies are solved. Manipulations for newborns are a separate direction in this group. With their help, a little person is tempered from the very first days of his life.
  • Cosmetic. This massage allows you to eliminate the flaws of appearance. When it is used, the skin is strengthened, which become more elastic and resilient.

Nowadays, the intensity and rhythm of modern life do not allow a person to relax at all, but the chronic fatigue syndrome has overwhelmed most of the able-bodied population of our country. What do you need to do in order not to become a chronically ill person and prolong active years of life? It is best to use the methods of natural medicine, where one of the main techniques is massage, because it can relieve tension not only in the whole body, but also put thoughts in order.

Massage is scientifically based and proven through many years of practice, it is the most adequate and physiological, that is, a method closed to our body that allows us not only to successfully solve problems, both prevention and treatment of various diseases. The massage is needed by everyone, both elderly and newborns, middle-aged and young people.

Massage helps improve the body at several levels at once, physically and emotionally and intellectually. After a massage session, a person feels a kind of peace, relaxation, and the soul becomes light.

Massage is a touch that not only brings surprisingly pleasant sensations, it gives relaxation and health promotion. Under the influence of massage, a number of local and general reactions occur in the human body, as a result of which, due to a complex biological process, the activity of all organs and systems is normalized, the nutrition of bones and muscles improves, the skin becomes elastic and flexible.

During a massage session, countless streams of impulses are sent from the skin along the nerve pathways, they reach the cerebral cortex, have a tonic effect on the central nervous system, and there is an improvement in the basic functions when controlling the work of all organs and systems.

A variety of massage techniques will have a versatile effect on the nervous system: effleurage, friction, and kneading calm the nervous system, while tapotement and tingling sensation have an exciting effect.

In addition, massage acts directly on the organs and systems located closer to the skin: this is primarily the lymphatic system. Massage has a very active effect on lymph circulation, accelerates the flow of lymph and thereby promotes the release of tissues from metabolic products, and therefore tired muscles rest faster during massage than at full rest. Under the influence of massage, the peripheral capillary network expands, this is manifested by redness of the skin. The blood flow to the massaged area thereby provides favorable conditions for nutrition and healing of the skin: it becomes pink, shiny, elastic.

Take care of your health, and come for a massage in Plano at the Pranic Ayurveda® massage room.


Going to a massage session, you need to follow these rules to get the maximum effect:

  • Eat an hour and a half before the procedure. The dishes should be light and not too plentiful;
  • Come a few minutes before the start of the session, take a breath and calm down – the psychological attitude is of great importance;
  • All jewelry must be removed, do not use cosmetics and perfumes.

It is important to remember: with acute respiratory diseases, sore throat, flu, massage will only worsen the condition of the body. It is necessary to warn your massage therapist about the onset of a viral disease and undergo a course of treatment.

Let’s help your health and the beauty of your body with this amazing and such an ancient technique.


Looking forward to meeting you!