Energy Healing is not a new concept. Many sages, saints, and healers have been practicing the art of healing from long ago. Though not all the modalities are recorded, still, you can see hundreds of them if you search the web. Even though the body appears to be material, it is not. In the deeper reality, your body is a field of energy.  When we look beyond the molecules that make up the matter of the body, we see fields of energy.  In every culture, and every traditional medical system, healing was accomplished by addressing the energy body. What makes Pranic Healing unique among the rest, is its modern, fresh, and scientific view towards energy, healing, and general well-being. Imagine what your life would be like if you had clear thinking, calm emotions and enough energy to enjoy your hobbies and your loved ones – at the end of every day. Today more than ever, we have a tremendous need for rapid, effective methods of balancing the material and spiritual aspects of our life. Pranic Healing provides spiritual solutions for everyday life situations, such as stress, relationships, success, failure, wealth and health.

Energy is not a new age, magical, and out-of-reach concept. It is so blended with our life. Pranic Healing is a highly evolved and tested system of energy medicine that utilizes prana to balance, harmonize and transform the body’s energy processes. Prana is a Sanskrit word that means life-energy. Prana is described in the Vedic tradition as the body’s healing energy.  By allowing prana to move freely, self-healing mechanisms are activated. Everything is made of prana: your thoughts, your words, your actions, your habits, and even your presence. This invisible bio-energy or vital energy keeps the body alive and maintains a state of good health. In acupuncture, the Chinese refer to this subtle energy as Chi and the Japanese: Ki, Mana in Polynesian, and Likas Lakas in Filipino. It is also called Ruach or the Breath of Life in Hebrew. Life-force, Chi, or Prana, in fact, is the 4th state of matter after solid, liquid, and gas. It is so physical and so ordinary that we often take it for granted. Energy is just more refined than what we already know about the physical matters. Its subtle nature makes energy intangible for the ordinary senses. However, there are many people with a more sensitive nature that can feel, see, and experience the existence of energy. For sensitive eyes, it looks like a luminous field of light, surrounding the physical body and interpenetrating it.

The healer projects prana or life energy or the “breath of life” to the patient, thereby, healing the patient. It is through this process that this so-called “miraculous healing” is accomplished.

“Life Energy or prana is all around us. It is pervasive; we are actually in an ocean of Life Energy. Based on this principle, a healer can draw in Pranic Energy or Life Energy from the surroundings.” 
Master Choa Kok Sui



Pranic Healing is described as the science and art of using energy to heal the body. All things are made of energy. Yet if there are disturbances to the energy bodies of an individual, ‘dis-ease’
will follow. What Pranic Healing does is to cleanse, energize and balance the energy systems, thereby promoting wellness and good health on all levels … physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Pranic Healing is based upon the natural laws of the universe. Pranic Healing is a simple yet powerful and effective system of no-touch energy healing. It is based on the fundamental principles that the body is a self-repairing living entity that possesses the ability to heal itself and that the healing process is accelerated by increasing this life force that is readily available from the sun, air and ground to address physical and emotional imbalances. It can be done in person or distantly!

Pranic Healing requires no drugs, gadgets, not even physical contact with the subject. It is not meant to replace Allopathic Medicine, or any other healing method. It is easily adapted into a
practice, or may be used alone. Physical contact is not required because the practitioner is working on the bioplasmic or energy body and not directly on the physical body. This energy body, or aura, is the mold or blueprint that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body. It is the energy body that absorbs life energy and distributes it throughout the physical body, to the muscles, organs, glands, etc. The reason Pranic Healing works on the energy body is that physical ailments first appear as energetic disruptions in the aura before manifesting as problems in the physical body.


In Pranic Healing as well as in the traditional Chinese Medicine, illness and health problems are seen as the result of disturbances to the flow of prana through a network of power centers, passageways, and energy fields that interpenetrate the physical body called the energetic anatomy. Your energetic anatomy, also called your aura, is a three-dimensional cloud of prana that begins inside your physical body and emanates outward in all directions to form a rough outline around your body. Aura works as the battery of a cellphone; it keeps the body healthy and alive.

Anything in life that disturb us, such as stress, fear, sadness and loneliness, arguments and frustrations, makes this luminous energy field dimmer, imbalanced and full of holes and greyish energies. This, in long run appears as pain, discomfort, physical and psychological problems. Most people use medicine to remove their illnesses. Although it is a necessary thing to do, but in many cases has side effects, or especially dealing with psychological issues, since the cause has not been addressed could not be completely cured. The better solution is using complementary treatment, along with medicine!

With Pranic Healing, we are able to detect the problems and imbalances in the aura and carefully remove them using a fairly simple technique that involves no touching and no drug. Once the aura is balanced and bright, our physical and psychological health is guaranteed.

You may have also heard many times that most diseases are psychosomatic, and the rationale behind this fact is the existence of energy bodies and energy centers, also known as chakras.

You may have heard of chakras, the Sanskrit word for “wheel”. The chakras, basically, are responsible for the proper functioning of the vital, internal organs. They receive energy from the surroundings and expel the used-up energy back into the surrounding. So, when the chakras start malfunctioning because of contamination or obstruction in the flow of energy, and accumulation of negative thoughts and emotions, they adversely affect the organs under their control. In the long run, we end up having a disease.

You may have heard that there are 7 chakras. You may have heard there are 11 chakras. Which is correct? They are both correct. In fact, there are more, many more than 11. There are major chakras, minor chakras, and many minuscule chakras.

Chakras also have psychological functions, which shapes our character. Over activation or under activation of the chakras lead to development of various characteristics and behavioral patterns.
Changing the sizes of the chakras and disintegrating the poisonous thoughts and emotions from our system, therefore, can affect how we think, feel, and act. When the energy changes, people will change, their attitude towards life will change, even their degree of success and creativity will change.

This is how Pranic Healing can affect our whole life and the way we deal with daily challenges.

You may have heard someone say, “Your Heart chakra is closed!” That’s impossible. If any one of your chakras is closed, you would die. Chakras get dirty, congested, depleted, under-activated, or over-activated. Pranic Healer cleanses your aura and helps your chakras become normalized so you become healthier, physically and emotionally.

Pranic Healing involves scanning the human aura to detect the imbalances of energies, known as energetic congestion and depletion. It then uses cleansing techniques to remove negative and used-up energies and energizing techniques to improve the flow of energy and strengthen the aura and the chakras. Once the aura is balanced, clean and strong, the health of the body gets improved.

Pranic Healing is especially effective in managing stress and exhaustion, alleviating chronic conditions and psychosomatic disease and has successful results with cases such as:

  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Arthritis
  • Dyslexia
  • Insomnia
  • Migraines and Headaches
  • Reproductive Ailments
  • Back, Neck and Shoulder Pains
  • Burnout, Depression, Stress, Low Energy, and Compulsions
  • Trauma, Fears, Grief, and Phobias
  • Sexual Impotence

Pranic Healing boosts your personal energy and allows you to work at deeper emotional and energetic levels of reality, where you can increase, control and direct your personal supply of Prana that your body uses for healing.

Pranic Healing is not only for the sick, but for everyone, even for the people who are already healthy and successful as it provides a scientific approach that enables us to gain control over our life.
Imagine if you know the laws of the universe and how energy works…

You would become much aware of what is happening in your life and would be able to materialize what you plan for and avoid what is harmful.

When we take steps to heal ourselves, we contribute positive emotions and energy to our environment. We heal the world.