The foremost energy healing system for the body, emotions, mind and spiritual growth. Welcome to your new journey of healing.
Pain or dis-ease in the body is often found in the energy body first. In pranic healing we address the energy body by removing imbalances in the body. When removing those blockages, it can
help the material/physical body to heal itself at a faster rate. Pranic Healing is a powerful and effective method of energy healing. Schedule a session to restore, balance, and harmonize your
physical body with Pranic Healing.
Physical Disease/Disorders | Pain Management | Pregnancy and During/Post-Delivery
Duration: 60 minutes
*Please Note: Pranic healing is not intended to replace orthodox medicine but rather to complement it. We work together with doctors of western and eastern medicine.
Have you noticed when you are stressed, the body can get ill? There is an energetic reason for this. Stress can cause less energy flow and create more blockages in the system. We have noticed that a lot of root causes of the dis-ease, dis-comfort and ailments are from emotional/psychological issues. By letting go of anger, resentment, and/or stress can tremendously bring back more balance and happiness back to life. These sessions promote forgiveness and healing of the emotions and the mind. Schedule a session for psychological healing, and relationship healing.
Stress, Irritability, Anxiety, Depression, Postpartum Depression, Phobias, Trauma, Grief and Hysteria | Addictions and Compulsions/Obsessions | ADD, ADHD, Autism, Down Syndrome, Mentally and Socially Challenged | Relationship Healing
Duration: 60 minutes
*Pranic Healing works together with psychologists, psychotherapists and mental health professionals.
We all take physical showers to remove physical dirt, right? Well, when was the last time you had an energetic shower to remove the energetic “dirt?” This is truly one of the most fascinating ways to approach cleansing, energizing, and balancing your aura and chakras. Aura and chakra cleansing and energizing can bring peace within the person but also for their loved ones around them.
Duration: 30 minutes
Parents just want to make sure their child is well, healthy and happy… and sometimes the parents may need that extra help in helping them to be more balanced or revitalized. Pranic healing can really help that child who has been feeling fatigue, experiencing pain (physical or psychological) or has been diagnosed with an ailment. Not only can it help the child but also can help re-balance the family’s dynamic. We work closely with children that are energetically sensitive to help them understand about their sensitivity, the energy around them, how to safe guard themselves and tips for parents to help them what is going on. Is your child suffering from any physical distress? Whether it has been longstanding or your child has the flu, expedited healing for a child is important. Healing can be done in-person or at a distant.
Does your child have hard time regulating their emotions? Or is it difficult for them to focus or find peace? Is your child experiencing out of the norm anxiety, fear or depression? Or does your child need healing from a traumatic situation?
Bring in your child(ren) to learn how to upgrade the brain. Yes, upgrade. How does it work? It’s a quick technique that can change your child’s life and the family’s. Join a one-on-one training on how to do the SUPERBRAIN YOGA and other tips to increase memory, focus, clarity, intelligence, creativity and balancing of the brain. Giving special attention to your child’s needs. Pranic Healing has helped infants and children of all ages. If your child has physical, emotional or psychological challenges, Pranic Healing may be the solution for your family.
Duration: 60 minutes
Have you ever walked into a room of people and sensed not good and step out feeling weird? That’s energy. Of course, your home may not feel weird but it may need some energetic assistance to bring more positive energies in. Who needs energetic cleansing of the home? Well, pretty much everyone would benefit.
This is great for newly moved in places, for highly stressed homes, for well-visited homes (meaning lots of guest come by) and for those who just want to bring in new positive energies.
Why is Pranic Feng Shui important? Imagine you are dependent of water from a creek nearby. The stream flows for miles but you notice near your village there are rocks and boulders blocking the water flow. You get help and remove the rocks and boulders. And voila! The stream is ever-flowing. Well, Pranic Feng Shui works similarly. One can utilize the directions, art, furniture, structural design and etc. to bring more flow of specific positive qualities needed in your home.
Now you can leverage energy to improve the quality of living in your sweet home. Contact us for a Pranic Feng Shui Consultation.
The first visit consultation includes assessing the home, giving feedback of current state of the home and providing recommendations for improvement.
The second visit consultation is done after the client has made significant changes of the recommendations. The visit includes re-assessing the home, providing feedback of current state of home and providing additional recommendations for improvement. Please email to inquire about rates.
Is your office or workplace a highly stressful or fast-paced environment? Well then… you may want to take advantage to energetically freshen up the place. By removing the stress energies of a workplace, this can increase work efficiency, productivity, teamwork, creative ideas, work morale and etc. Wouldn’t you rather work smart than just work hard?
Did you know by arranging desks, certain artwork and furniture, the energy of a space can change? Did you know the entrance of your company can bring in certain types of energy – increase or decrease of prosperity and etc. Did you know that adjustments can be made to enhance the quality of the energy? If you are an owner or staff of a company. Whether you work at a cubicle or at home, the Pranic Feng Shui for your workplace could be that catalyst for more success. Contact us for a Pranic Feng Shui Consultation. The first visit consultation includes assessing the office, giving feedback of current state of the office and providing recommendations for improvement.
The second visit consultation is done after the client has made significant changes of the recommendations. The visit includes re-assessing the office, providing feedback of current state of office and providing additional recommendations for improvement. Please email to inquire about rates.
The Cleansing and Blessings of a home is a traditional practice in many cultures. Transforming your physical space is just as important as transforming your personal energetic field as both reflect and reinforce the other. A physical space absorbs the energy or information of the previous occupants and events that have taken place there and will often need periodic upkeep. If you’re experiencing the negative energy, having sleepless nights, household conflict, or unreasonable strings of bad luck in your physical space; book a home or business healing to reset the energy of your living, or working environment so you can enjoy life with more harmony and ease!
Pranic Feng Shui uses the environment outside and inside your home or business to increase the energies of prosperity, teamwork, productivity, healing, and spirituality. Create a personalized action plan to take your home and/or business to the next level. all Pranic Healing sessions, including one on one and distant healing, are by appointment.
The sessions usually take 1 hour. However, sessions for severe ailments may need more time than 1 hour.
Since we are all connected, energy flows where the focus goes. Pranic Healing is a non-touch system and can also be done very effectively over long distance. Please send us a message if you prefer long distant healing. Not sure whether Pranic Healing is for you? Send us a message and we can discuss options.
Ready to give it a try? Book your session by selecting your preferred method below.